ADAPT BUILDER ABI V2009 英文正式版(作混凝土橋樑與框架在施工階段與完工後依時分析的軟體)
ADAPT-ABI 是一套能作混凝土橋樑與框架在施工階段與完工後的依時分析 (time-dependent analysis)
的常規有限單元程式 (general finite element program)。ABI 能考慮新灌混凝土、隨時間改變的潛
變 (creep)、干縮 (shrinkage)與預力鋼腱的鬆弛 (relaxation in prestressing)、混凝土的齡期 (
aging of concrete) 還有溫度變化所導致的影響。傑出的圖形介面能顯示不同施工階段的彎矩、剪力、
應力與變形,本程式可以處理非預力混凝土、預鑄 (precast)、場鑄 (cast-in-place)、先拉預力 (
pre-tensioned) 或者後拉預力 (post-tensioned) 的框架。本程式的本意是處理遞增工法 (
incrementally constructed) 的橋樑與框架,如新增混凝土的混凝土框架整修工程、新加構件或修改
現有的構件工程或者框架拆除工程等等,另外可以應用得到的是復合式施工 (composite construction)
與斜張式結構 (cable-stay structures) 。ADAPT-ABI 的基本模組 ADAPT-ABI Basic 是獨立與完整的程
The all new ADAPT-ABI 2009 features a 3D modeling
environment which allows the user to model any bridge
structure graphically and to define and manage
constructions stages more efficiently. The bridge
structures may include tendons, loads and travel paths.
The modeling environment lets the user import DWG/DXF
drawings and allows the transformation of polygons into
either 3D structural components or cross sections. Bridge
segments and piers can be given any cross section and a
section manager allows the user to define any cross
sections to be used in a project. ABI 2009 includes an
extendable moving load library which contains predefined
load trains.
ADAPT-ABI 2009 is a special-purpose program developed for
the design and analysis of prestressed concrete bridges
built either segmentally or conventionally. It provides
information for geometry and stress control during
construction, as well as design values for service load.
ADAPT-ABI has been serving bridge design
worldwide for over 20 years, and has provided the
foundation for analysis of many notable bridges.
ADAPT BUILDER EX V3.2 英文正式版(3D結構建模的軟體)
Pearl Mountain Greeting Card Builder v3.1.4 英文正式版(卡片設計製作軟體)
3D Photo Builder Professional v2.3 英文正式版(用於三維圖像及三維全景圖處理及創作的軟體)
CodeGear Delphi & C++Builder 2009 V12.0.3170.16989 英文正式版(DVD版)(資料庫設計與塑模功能軟體)
Cadimage Tools Door And Window Builder v11.3 For Archicad 11 英文正式版(用於ArchCAD軟體的工具套件軟體)
Boxoft Photo Collage Builder v1.4.0 英文正式版(照片拼貼處理軟體)
Pearl Mountain Greeting Card Builder v3.1.2 英文正式版(卡片設計製作軟體)